Green Eyes
A girl with wavy curls
of black hair down her back
and emerald green eyes
boring deep into my soul-
haunts me
each night
I am sleepwalking I say
please wake me up
from this unending
task of determening
and a fantasy world.
She has creamy white skin
and a splash of freckles over her nose.
I can't help but wonder if she is from
my past--some relative I have met
in a time before-
or is she someone I will meet
in the future-
someone who is part me
part him.
Is this just silly thoughts that come
to me late at night to comfort me
when I am oh so lonely_
whomever she is-
for now, she is mine.
She turns and looks at me
just as the sun is rising at her back-
-and she smiles
And in that smile I see
-Dawn Cooper Volkman